General Meeting Information

Date: October 9, 2024
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: DASG Lounge

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader

    Approval of Minutes, Announcements/Upcoming Events

    • DALA Bienvenida TODAY 12:30-2:30PM @ Conference Rooms A & B
    • Fall Club Day is Thursday Oct 10th from 11AM-1PM @ Main Quad
    • Indigenous People's Day is next Monday Oct 14th
    • Next week is Undocumented Student Action Week
    I/A All

    Icebreakers and Brief Introduction

    • How was your second week? What's one unexpected thing that happened to you?
    • What is SRE and what do we do?
    I/D All
    11:45 - 12:00

    Fall Resource Fair

    • Comments on Resource Form
    • Send form today (get responses by end of next Monday
    • Send Special Event Request for Resource Fair
    • Send marketing request for Resource Fair
    • Intern competition!
      • Fill out for each student you tell about the resource fair to
    I/D All

    Advocacy Liaisons

    • Feeback on updated purpose and recruitment for advocacy liaisons
    • Interns: brainstorm questions/ideas for role of ALs in DASG
    I/D All

    CCCSAA Student Leadership Conference 10/11/24 - 10/13/24

    Fill out this form with any information you would like to know from the conference


    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    call to order 11.31 AM


    ryan katia joshua

    toma yuen - cs major 1st meeting | to learn about human rights, kavi, zoe, angeles, ella, yansy, nishita, eddie, emma - cs or math, tristen, leo, bryan, miles

    minute approvals
    oct 16 ryan - katia seconds
    nov 6 ryan - katia seconds

    maritza: 2 more weeks of meetings for sre to get things done
    winter: budget and finance heavy
    confirms if meeting time is still same, katia confirms

    public comments
    katia: brought up to senate regarding approved club posters being taken down, will bring up again in today’s senate

    kavi: spoken to la voz, student newspaper feels they cannot politically be active, released paper newspaper came out after elections
    nishita: increase in searches for "what are terrorists", shows entire country does not have sufficient education, can do it within de anza with la voz
    kavi: big proportion of reporters feel they cannot express themselves politically, kavi’s quote was split "election is important, democracy can only do so much…" cut into "election is important"
    feels that he has been misrepresented
    katia: has had dasg-related issues with la voz regarding misrepresentation, not getting someone’s name correct, misquoting
    ryan: la voz has had issues with accurate representation in the past, generative AI used for an SRE senator’s quote
    kavi: la voz is special entity, not connected to dasg; build up pressure that they must change, we cannot do anything internally
    ryan: dasg does fund la voz
    katia: have external students give feedback to la voz, la voz must report on what they did with money (e.g. conferences)


    • coming to an end
    • CTE fair workshop in main quad (career training e..)
    • destress announced soon (week of activities in collaboration with clubs)

katia: bylaw meetings start in winter qtr
    joshua: spring - planning cultural week, work during winter
    start equity workshops next quarter (HEFAS undocumented students, uncertainties and misinformation after elections, a lot of international students are abandoning visa statuses and becoming undocumented, president-elect may start deporting students & students fear their statuses may be revoked and abandoning visa statuses, which is dangerous)
    talked with hefas: workshop on informing international students 
    talked with matsuko: ad-hoc committee - make de anza sanctuary campus, ensure students (esp undocumented) are safe, details TBA
    workshop: steps students should (not) take regarding visa statuses
    equity 1-1 workshops

    working on holding student police accountable
    student concern form - cannot have students provide us information we cannot have

    interns can draft proposals for equity workshops, grassroot democracy
    intern projects due next week/week after

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