This event takes place in the past.

Loving Kindness Meditation


1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Hybrid: Online and In Person

Loving Kindness Meditation
This event is part of a series sponsored by the Office of Equity, Asian Pacific American Staff Association (APASA), Black Faculty, Staff and Administrators Network (BFSA), and the De Anza Latinx Association (DALA) to create space for the community to come together, support each other in healing from trauma, and build solidarity among affinity groups.

Loving-Kindness Meditation
  • Tuesday, April 25: 1-2 p.m.
  • Location: Office of Equity, MLC 250
  • Or join online via Zoom
  • Meeting ID: 892-2685-0444

Mindfulness meditation is an opportunity to come present to what is here right now. In that way, we can become more focused, centered and open to the challenges of this life. In this practice session, we will go over the basics of meditation, and sit with a guided loving-kindness (metta) meditation. Loving-kindness meditation can open us to our capacity for kindness and love to ourselves, our loved ones and the world, more broadly. This can have a significant impact on our daily lived experiences. No prior meditation experience necessary. We will have some time and space for discussion afterwards.

About our Meditation Facilitator: Jim Nguyen is a Political Science and Asian American Studies instructor at De Anza. He has received teaching certificates in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) through Brown University and the University of Massachusetts. His daily mindfulness practice, which began in 2019, includes sitting and walking meditation, yoga, and qi gong. He has organized and held space for a weekly mindfulness meeting group at De Anza since 2020, open to all faculty, staff and students.

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