General Meeting Information

Date: May 14, 2024
Time: 2-3pm
Location: Online via Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00pm Welcome and Introductions I/D Armstrong
    2:10pm  Approval of Agenda and Notes I/D/A Armstrong

    Senate Business

    • Medical Facility 
    • Best Practices for Campus Leadership Participation
    I/D/A Garcia

    Internal Committees  

    • Summer Leadership Gathering Planning Invitation
    • Elections
    • Classified Appreciation Week 
      • May 21 Wellness
      • May 22 Ice Cream Social 
      • May 23 Breakfast
    • Professional Development 
    I/D/A Diaz

    Leadership Reports

    • DASG 
    • RAPP
    • College Council
    • Board of Trustees
    I/D/A Diaz


    • Announcements
    • Campus Wide events
    • Next Steps
    I/D/A Garcia


    I/D/A Diaz

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Senate Business

    Discussion on the Proposed Medical Facility:
    • Concerns raised about the lack of clear benefits for the campus and its students
    • Questions about the county's motivation for choosing De Anza College as the location
    • Skepticism about the district's enthusiasm for the project despite little evidence of its value to the college
    • Worries about the impact on parking, security, and resources like the flea market
    • Frustration with the lack of satisfactory answers from the district leadership
    • Suggestions to invite county representatives and board members to provide more information
    • New load on maintenance workers.
    • New need for increased security based on clinic traffic
    • Prioritizing the construction of the arts quad update or other student-centered projects before moving forward with the medical facility.
    • Proposal to form a task force to compile concerns, unanswered questions, and potential demands if the project moves forward
    Questions and Concerns Regarding the Proposed Medical Facility:
    1. What are the clear benefits of the medical facility for the campus and its students?
    2. Why did the county choose De Anza College as the location for the facility and have they explored other locations?
    3. What is the motivation behind the district's enthusiasm for the project despite little evidence of its value to the college?
    4. How will the medical facility impact parking on campus?
    5. What are the potential security concerns associated with the facility?
    6. How will the medical facility affect resources like the flea market?
    7. Why are satisfactory answers not being provided by the district leadership?
    8. What other locations has the county considered for the medical facility?
    9. What is the county gaining from this project?
    10. If De Anza College is the only location being considered, how can the college ensure it gets its fair share of benefits?
    11. What is the potential revenue from leasing the land to the county?
    12. How will the revenue be split between De Anza College and Foothill College and District?
    13. What is the market rate for commercial land in the area, and how does the proposed lease rate compare?
    14. How will the medical facility serve the immediate residents and the city of Cupertino?
    15. What is the appeal of the medical facility to select board members and the chancellor?
    16. If the facility is built, will 100% of the problems associated with it be the responsibility of De Anza College?
    17. How will the medical facility impact the workload of the campus police force, administrative assistants, and grounds and custodial staff?
    18. Will the construction of the medical facility delay the Measure G project and the updating of the arts quad?
    Compensation for Overtime by Classifieds in Leadership Roles:
    • Working draft presented to create language and communication for classified staff to understand how to ask for compensation when participating in leadership roles beyond the 10% policy
    • Clarification needed on applicability to part-time employees
    • Request for feedback and suggestions on the document
    Elections Committee Update:
    • Meeting scheduled for Thursday to finalize everything
    • Elections set to start on Monday at 8 am
    • Help requested from Communications to ensure everyone is aware of the elections
    Classified Appreciation Week:
    • Wellness activity planned for May 21st instead of a regular meeting
    • Ice cream social on May 22nd to increase election voting energy
    • Breakfast served by senior administration on May 23rd
    Leadership Reports:
    • RAPP: Personnel requests being reviewed along with new requirements; replacement needed for Tina, who will not be on the committee next year
    • College Council: Meeting scheduled for next Thursday
    Other Announcements:
    • Quarterly Flea Market on campus next Tuesday, 11 am to 1 pm, at the main quad
    Action Items:
    • Form a task force to compile concerns, unanswered questions, and potential demands regarding the proposed medical facility
    • Find and add language from Teamsters and POA agreements to the compensation for overtime document
    • Provide feedback and suggestions on the compensation for overtime draft
    • Communications team to help promote the upcoming elections
    • Find a rep for RAPP committee for the next year

    Links in Chat

    Interesting Reads Relating to the Clinic:

    Union Agreements:

Documents and Links

  • CS Meeting Notes May 7th, 2024  
  • Link # 2

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