General Meeting Information

Date: May 21, 2024
Time: 10-11:30 a.m.
Location: Online

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    10:00-10:05 Welcome and Introductions I/D Mieso, Newell, Woodbury
    10:05-10:10 Approval of Agenda and 5/14/2024 Minutes I/D/A Mieso, Newell, Woodbury
    10:10-11:20 Groups to Review Spring 2024 Personnel Requests I/D Mieso, Newell, Woodbury

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Attendance, Voting Members

    Robert Alexander, Adam Contreras, Alicia De Toro, Lydia Hearn, Melinda Hughes, Michele LeBleu-Burns, Debbie Lee, Tina Lockwood, Eric Mendoza, Rob Mieso, Mallory Newell, Van Loc NguyenIzat Rasyad, Daniel Solomon, Aditya Sharma, Tim Shively, Bidya Subedi, Kate Wang, Chia Wen, Erik Woodbury


    Mallory welcomed everyone to the meeting.

    Approval of Agenda and 5/14/2024 Minutes

    Mallory reviewed the agenda and minutes. No changes or corrections. Both approved.

    Groups Assigned to Review Spring 2024 Personnel Requests

    Debbie Lee asked for the designation for the previously ranked position. Whether they were growth, new funding, or replacement. They are not on the summary spreadsheet but could be found on the top of the request form. 

    Mallory Newell reviewed where the groups may find their documents under their Spring 2024 assignment folders. The groups have this week and next week to finalize their priority rankings, high, moderate, or low, as well as their questions for the managers. The reviews have to be completed by the 31st ready for the managers and deans to come to RAPP on June 4.

    There was a question regarding whether a position should be considered growth or replacement if someone is retiring this quarter. 

    It would be considered growth for this submission but the request could be updated as replacement in the fall.

    Erik Woodbury noted that several members including 2 of the tri-chairs will be away next week at ENCORE. They will set up the meeting online for groups to finish their discussions next week.

    After the limited meeting next week. There will be 3 more meetings to finish up for this year. They will need to sort the personnel requests into buckets and approve the final resource requests for the College Council meeting in June.

    Groups went to work in 4 separate breakout rooms.

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 844 3073 3137
Passcode: 090465

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