Please Vote

Oct. 30, 2012 

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your wonderful work in encouraging our students to register to vote. Because of your efforts and those of our student organizers, the Institute for Community and Civic Engagement and My Vote, Our Future, thousands of our students have become involved in the political process. Now it is critical that they -- and we -- actually cast our ballots. In California, as in many other states, it is possible to vote early, in person, at our county elections office. Many of us vote by mail and have already done so. If you live in Santa Clara County, don't forget that you can deposit your ballot in the official ballot drop-box secured to the flagpole in the Main Quad, or, in the event of rain, to the railing next to the left front door of the Administration Building.

Those of us who vote at the polls on Election Day -- and I am among them -- have exactly one week to learn more about the candidates, numerous state propositions and local measures. There are many good sources of information, and we link to several nonpartisan agencies and organizations from

There are critical choices to be made on our ballots, starting at the top in this presidential election year. I cannot emphasize enough that the success or failure of Proposition 30 will directly affect De Anza College, our district and all of higher education in California.

Thank you for becoming informed, for helping our students to register and learn about the issues, and for voting.

Brian Murphy

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