Reporting a Complaint or Concern
We want every student to have a positive experience at De Anza College. If you are a student with a complaint or concern about a situation you've encountered, here are some different ways that you can request a closer review and a fair resolution.
Request Assistance With a Complex Issue
If you have a problem with a college process or other situation, and you haven’t been able to resolve it with the department involved, you can use this form to request assistance from the Office of Student Development. While we can’t guarantee a specific outcome, we may be able to assist with navigating a complex issue.
Before submitting a request, you should first seek a resolution with the office or program that’s directly responsible for your issue. You can click the appropriate link below to contact these offices directly, or use the website search function to find contact information for other programs.
- Academic Awareness (Probation) – requirements for academic or progress probation
- Admissions and Records – registration questions or difficulties
- Assessment Center – questions about assessment or placement
- Enrollment Appeals – requests for an exception to the rules governing excused withdrawals, excess units, repeating courses
- Evaluations – transcripts and prerequisite clearance
- Financial Aid – problems with loans, grants or scholarships
Report Worrisome or Threatening Behavior
If you are concerned that the behavior of another student or college employee may represent a threat to themselves or others, you can use this form to report your observations or concerns. Your report will be reviewed and may be referred to an interdisciplinary team that is trained to intervene safely.
Note: This form is not for emergencies. If you see or suspect that someone is in imminent danger, please contact the Foothill-De Anza district police by dialing 911 or 408.924.8000.
File a Grievance About a College Decision or Action
If you believe a college decision or action has wrongly affected your status or rights as a student, you can use the student grievance process to seek a resolution.
The first step is to submit an Informal Grievance Form to notify the college’s Grievance Officer of the actions or incident involving a college employee that negatively affected you.
You must then attempt to solve the matter on an informal basis by following Steps 1-5 on the Student Grievance Procedure webpage. (This page summarizes the process outlined in the Foothill-De Anza college district Administrative Procedure 5530.)
After following those steps, and after consulting with the appropriate administrator, you may file a formal grievance.
Please remember the following deadlines and check the academic calendar for the dates of each quarter:
- You must submit the informal grievance form no later than the last day of finals week in the quarter immediately following the quarter in which
the events took place, or in which you became aware of the events.
- For example, if the events occurred during fall quarter, you must submit the informal grievance form no later than the last day of finals in the subsequent winter quarter.
- If the events occurred during summer session, you must submit the informal grievance form no later than the last day of finals week in fall quarter.
- If it becomes necessary to pursue a formal grievance, you must submit the formal grievance form within 30 days of the date that you file the informal grievance form.
This process is intended for grievances that fall under one of the following categories:
- Course grades – if you believe there was a mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetence. (See California Education Code Section 76224 (a).) This does not include non-evaluative symbols such as "I", "W", "RD" or "IP."
- Acts or threats of intimidation or harassment, not related to sexual harassment or discrimination. (For issues related to sexual harassment or discrimination, consult the college's Title IX website.)
- Imposition of punishment without allowing the right to a fair conduct hearing
- Exercise of free expression protected by state and federal constitutions and Education Code Section 76120
File a Complaint – Sexual Harassment or Discrimination (Title IX)
If you think you have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination at De Anza, you may contact the college Title IX coordinator for an informal conversation or to file a formal complaint.
You may also report a Title IX concern or complaint to any college employee. They will inform the Title IX coordinator, who will follow up with you to offer support and conduct an investigation as appropriate. You’ll find more information about Title IX and sex- or gender-based harassment and discrimination on the Title IX website.
File a Complaint – Harassment or Discrimination (not Title IX)
Unlawful harassment can include being subjected to a hostile environment, or being denied access to college programs or resources, based on factors such as age, disability, national origin, race, religion or sexual orientation.
If you think you have experienced unlawful harassment or discrimination at De Anza, you may contact the college unlawful harassment coordinator for an informal conversation by sending an email to Michele LeBlue-Burns, dean of Student Development, at, or you may file an informal complaint, which may allow for resolution through mediation under Section VII.B of district Administrative Procedure 4640.
If you would like to file a formal complaint, which may lead to a formal investigation and administrative determination under Section VII.C-F and Sections IX and X of district Administrative Procedure 4640, please refer to the following: and use the district form linked below.
- Information on Harassment and Discrimination – Foothill-De Anza Community College District
File a Complaint About College Police
If you have a complaint about the conduct of any officer or employee of the Foothill-De Anza district police department, you may file a complaint by clicking the yellow button to open the department's fillable complaint form.
The police department has a procedure for following up on all complaints, as prescribed by state law.