Congratulations, Graduating Veterans!

A Message From Interim President Espinosa-Pieb

Interim President Espinosa-Pieb

Each year, hundreds of military veterans, reservists and dependents enroll at De Anza. We are grateful for all of your service and sacrifice, and so proud that you have chosen our college to begin new chapters in your lives.

We know that it takes hard work to succeed in college, and the transition to civilian life can bring its own challenges. We’re pleased to support you with academic counseling and the many additional resources available through our Veteran Services office.

To those of you who are graduating or transferring from De Anza this year: Congratulations! You have been an important part of our campus community, and we wish you all the best!

Christina G. Espinosa-Pieb
Interim President, De Anza College

Stronger Together mural

"Stronger Together"

The “Stronger Together” mural was designed and painted by De Anza students and faculty members to honor the veterans, reservists, active duty members and military dependents who attend our college.

Qingwen Bai

Qingwen Bai

  • A.A., Liberal Arts: Science, Math and Engineering
  • Transferring to University of California, Berkeley
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

I appreciate everyone's help during my time at De Anza.

Eric Baker

Eric Baker

  • A.A., Paralegal Studies 
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

Thank you for all of the Motivation, Inspiration, & Elevation!

Mario Barragan

Mario Barragan

  • Transferring to San Francisco State University
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Thank you to all of the Veteran Services staff at De Anza! Lan and Bertha, thank you for all of your help. Your dedication and expertise have helped me not only succeed at De Anza, but have propelled me into academic success at San Francisco State University as well.

Best of luck to all incoming and continuing veterans at De Anza College.

Jose BarrazaVilla

Jose BarrazaVilla 

  • A.A., Liberal Arts: Science, Math and Engineering
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Reflecting on the two years attending De Anza, I know two things (and only two things XD): I couldn't have done it without Lan and Bertha. And I am better off having spent time at the Veterans Resource Center. Everyone at the office has supported me, encouraged me, pushed and guided me to do better in one way or another.

To all my fellow vets, remember you aren't alone and civilian life is paradise.

Jharell Bruce

Jharell Bruce

  • Transferring to Stanford Unversity
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

I would like to thank the counselors of the VRC and the professors who have significantly impacted my college education.

For prospective veterans applying to transfer, don't sell yourself short. Even if others doubt your goals, it's essential to be your own number one believer. Prestigious universities seek individuals with compelling stories, and veterans certainly fit that criteria.

For the Navy Nukes applying, HARVARD AND MIT LOVE NUKES.

Elissa Cariaga

Elissa Mei Mendoza Cariaga 

  • A.S.-T., Mathematics
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • Daughter of U.S. Navy veteran

Grad Message

Thank you to everyone who has been a pillar of strength for me, celebrating my accomplishments with me, and my solace in moments of doubt.

Mommy, your sacrifices and endless support have sculpted me into the person I am today. Your unwavering love and encouragement got me through the hardest times and I can never thank you enough.

Sisters, your love and support have made every step of this journey brighter and more meaningful.

To my cherished San Jose friends, you've been my second family, filling my days with laughter and unforgettable memories. Thank you for always believing in me and having faith in me, even when I questioned my own abilities.

I am deeply grateful for all of your presence in my life. As I step into the future, I carry each of you in my heart, knowing that your love and support will continue to be my greatest treasures.

U.S. Navy logo

Michael Castignani

  • A.S., Registered Nurse
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Thank you, Veteran Services office, for your guidance and wisdom.  Good luck fellow military members!

Carlos Ceja

Carlos Ceja

  • Transferring to Santa Clara University
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

Thank you to the counselors in our Veterans Services office! You all played a huge part in the success of my transfer. I appreciate the amazing work you all do!

To my fellow veterans: Continue to follow your dreams and remember those that help you get to where you're going. No one gets anywhere alone!

Rachel Cho

Rachel Cho

  • A.S.-T, Film, Television and Electronic Media
  • Transferring to University of Silicon Valley
  • U.S. Air Force

Grad Message

The reason why I enlisted in the first place was so I could afford a college degree. Here I am, with that degree +6 years later. If I can do it, so can you.

I believe in each and every one of y’all!

U.S. Army logo

Long H. Do

  • A.A.-T., Psychology
  • Transferring to University of California, Santa Cruz
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

Don't feel down that you're taking classes in a community college instead of a prestigious UC or a private college. De Anza is a place of many opportunities and has a very welcoming veteran support team. Nobody here will judge you for doing what you have to do to move up and get that degree or college you want.

Von Felipe

Von C. Felipe

  • A.S., Registered Nurse
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Remember always to move forward. No matter how small our steps may be, each one brings us closer to our goal.

Noah Floreza

Noah Floreza

  • A.A., Business Administration
  • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve

Grad Message

Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way.

Christopher Garcia

Christopher Garcia

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • Army National Guard

Grad Message

Thank you everyone for the most amazing two years of education I have ever had. It was amazing to have the resources and guidance at the Veterans Office and I hope you all enjoy your academic journey here!

Stephen Gerbe

Stephen Gerbe

  • A.S., Registered Nurse
  • U.S. Marine Corps

Grad Message

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Veteran Service Counselors, especially Lan Truong, for helping me navigate college. Your expertise and dedication, along with your assistance in understanding and utilizing various veteran resources, have made my journey to becoming a Registered Nurse possible.

To my fellow veterans embarking on a similar journey, I want to offer words of encouragement. Transitioning from the military to college life can be challenging, but with the right support and resources, it's absolutely achievable. Don't hesitate to reach out to veteran resource counselors for guidance and assistance. Your dedication and service have prepared you for this next chapter.

Jasmine Glynn

Jasmine Glynn

  • A.S.-T., Early Childhood Education
  • Daughter of U.S. Marine Corps veteran

Grad Message

Dear Veterans,

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and service to our country. Your sacrifices, courage, and commitment have safeguarded our freedoms and ensured our security. Each of you has contributed to a legacy of strength and resilience that inspires us all.

As you navigate life beyond your service, know that your efforts have made a profound impact. Your experiences and leadership continue to enrich our communities. Embrace this new chapter with the same determination and honor you displayed in uniform.

We are deeply grateful for your bravery and the sacrifices you and your families have made. Your perseverance and strength are a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of service.

Stay strong, and know that your nation stands with you, proud and thankful for your remarkable contributions.

With heartfelt appreciation, 
Jasmine Glynn

Jasmine Kaur Grewal

Jasmine Kaur Grewal

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • U.S. Marine Corps

Grad Message

Discipline has been drilled into us our whole military careers. May yours take you as far as you can go!

Jasmine Glynn

Collin Hargreaves

  • A.S.-T., Computer Science
  • Transferring to University of California, Los Angeles
  • U.S. Air Force

Grad Message

Thank you to Lan and Bertha. You are both amazing. Cheers.

Kyle Hooczko

Kyle Hooczko

  • A.S., Registered Nurse
  • U.S. Marine Corps

Grad Message

To all the veterans:  Never give up on your dreams. You can do anything you put your mind to. It’s never too late to start something new.

Thank you, Lan Truong, for all of your help during my Registered Nursing program.

Yonghseng Jin

Yonghseng Jin

  • A.S., Facility and Sustainable Building Management
  • U.S. Army Reserve

Grad Message

(No message submitted)

U.S. Army logo

Ismail Khan

  • Certificate of Achievement-Advanced, Project Management Practitioner
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

(No message submitted)

Arnold Koot

Arnold Koot

  • A.A., Accounting, and A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

To my fellow veterans pursuing higher education: Know you are uniquely equipped to overcome all obstacles. Whether you're a single parent, caregiver, guardian, disabled, or just starting out, your determination will guide you. Take pride in your progress, and don't hesitate to ask for help. We support one another and “take care of our own.”

Lean on the De Anza community, where counselors and staff believe in you even when you doubt yourself. Special thanks to Ms. Lan Truong and Ms. Bertha Sanchez for their unwavering support and guidance, which transformed lives, mine included.

To all veterans: Draw strength from your military experience and blend it with the new skills gained here. Celebrate your accomplishments, stay humble, and share your stories. Care for your mental and physical well-being, cherish the friendships you build, and embrace challenges that shape your path.

You are someone new, blending the past with the future in an individual journey. Wear your veteran badge with pride and pursue your goals. De Anza stands beside you, offering hope and understanding. You can achieve incredible things; we're here to support you.

Thank you, De Anza, for your lasting impact. To every veteran out there: You've got this!

Leader Le

Leader Le

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Thank you to all those at the Veteran Services office for your support. There were many moments where I didn't think I was going to get through this, but I'm glad of the people I met in the Veteran Services office and other veterans who were on the same path that inspired me to succeed and graduate.

Chun Ho Li

Chun Ho Li

  • A.S.-T., Computer Science
  • Transferring to California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
  • U.S. Army Reserve

Grad Message

Do or do not, there is no try.

Thomas Li

Thomas Li

  • A.A.-T., Communication Studies
  • Transferring to University of California, Los Angeles
  • U.S. Coast Guard

Grad Message

You got this.

Daniel Lopez

Daniel Lopez

  • A.A.-T., Anthropology
  • Transferring to University of California, Santa Cruz
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

I had a good support system here.

Christian Manisay

Christian Manisay

  • A.A., Liberal Arts: Science, Math and Engineering
  • Transferring to San Francisco State University
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

"We learn not in school, but in life."
– Seneca

It's the toughest experiences that always teach us a beautiful lesson.

Joel Monroy

Joel Monroy

  • A.S.-T., Administration of Justice
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Army Reserve

Grad Message

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the dedicated veteran services staff and teachers at De Anza College for their exceptional support and commitment.

As a student and veteran, I have greatly benefited from the variety of services they offer, which have been instrumental in my academic journey.

The Veteran Services office at De Anza provides a range of resources that are designed to support veterans in their educational pursuits, from tutoring and counseling to financial aid guidance. Their expertise and assistance have been crucial in helping me secure my transfer degree.

I encourage all my fellow veterans at De Anza College to take full advantage of these incredible services to enhance their own educational experiences.

Johnson Nguyen

Johnson Nguyen

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Marine Corps

Grad Message

Hi Everyone,

Continue to expand your knowledge and never stop learning.

Thank you staff and faculty at De Anza for support my career.

Thank you to my family and friends who supported me.

Roshini Pal

Roshini Pal

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Army Reserve

Grad Message

Thanks for your support!!!

Victoria Peralta

Victoria Peralta

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to California State University, East Bay
  • Spouse in U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Hi everyone! Congratulation on completing your degree! Thank you fellow veterans for your service and I hope everyone thrive and shine to their goals in life ahead!

I would also want to thank my husband, RJ Garlitos, who's in the NAVY and in deployment currently for six months in supporting me like no other! I love you so much!

Minh Hieu Pham Nguyen

Nguyen Minh Hieu Pham

  • A.S.-T., Computer Science
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Army Reserve

Grad Message

Thank you for your service and best of luck on your academic journey. Enjoy your time here at De Anza!

Julian Ramirez

Julian Ramirez

  • A.A., Liberal Arts: Science, Math and Engineering
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Marine Corps

Grad Message

Trust yourself. Trust the process. The rest will come.

Huge shoutout to the De Anza VRC team who have always had our best interest in mind, especially Ms. Lan! She has been extremely supportive and patient with me throughout my journey. Without her, I do not think it would have been as smooth of a ride as it has been and for that, I am forever grateful!

Semper Fi

Derrick Rondez

Derrick Rondez

  • A.S.-T., Kinesiology
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

To fellow veterans: I applaud you for your perseverance and hard work.

Yesenya Rubio

Yesenya Rubio

  • A.A., Liberal Arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Transferring to San Francisco State University
  • U.S. Marine Corps

Grad Message

Thank you to my family for always believing in me and encouraging me to be the best version of myself. A special thank you to my son, Luciano, for being the motivation I needed to complete the journey I began.

To the service members and their families: Strive to be the change you wish to see, and you will be amazed at how far it takes you.

Verity Sugan

Verity Suguitan

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Daughter of U.S. Air Force veteran

Grad Message

Proud daughter of a Veteran!

Lyxa Tang

Lyxa Tang

  • A.S.-T., Computer Science
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Army Reserve

Grad Message

Hello Student Veterans of De Anza College,

I'm thrilled to say I've made it. As a De Anza alumnus and student veteran myself, I recently got accepted into SJSU as a software engineering major. I can't believe I made it into such a competitive program. I just finished my first semester as a junior, and I'm feeling confident about reaching graduation.

Honestly, at first, I doubted my ability to even get admitted. But the Veterans Resource Center at De Anza proved to be a catalyst for my success. They provided invaluable guidance and connected me with the necessary resources to take the right classes at De Anza. There's no doubt that I wouldn't be where I am today without their support.

I don't consider myself a particularly strong student in the past. If I could make this leap, you most definitely can too! Taking that first step to pursue your education is a sign of incredible determination. Keep it up!

Raymond Thomas

Raymond Thomas

  • A.S., Registered Nurse
  • Transferring to California State University, East Bay
  • Son of U.S. Air Force veteran

Grad Message

Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone in your lives! Your graduation marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and resilience.

As veterans, you have already demonstrated extraordinary commitment and courage in service to our country, and today, you add another remarkable achievement to your list of accomplishments.

Your journey has not been easy, and you have faced challenges that many of us cannot fully understand. Balancing the demands of academic life with the responsibilities and memories of your military service is no small feat. Yet, you have persevered, showing the same strength and determination that guided you through your time in uniform.

Thank you for your service, and congratulations on your graduation. Best of luck in all your endeavors!

Daniel Vago

Daniel R. Vago

  • A.A.-T., Philosophy
  • Transferring to University of California, Santa Cruz
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

A special thank you to De Anza's Veteran Services staff. Thank you so much, Lan and Bertha!!! I sincerely appreciate your dedication and the steadfast support you provide to all veterans who walk through your doors and pass through your emails.

The faculty at De Anza is hands-down one of the best I've had the honor to receive tutelage from throughout my extensive academic career; seven colleges and over 190 credits; graduating spring ’25 from UCSC, majoring in philosophy with a minor in legal studies.

My ADVICE to fellow veterans…

If you’re lost and you don't know what to do in life or the path you should take – no matter your financial situation – TRAVEL! Go solo, with a battle (friend), as a family, or with a group... SEE THE WORLD! Join a global nonprofit volunteer organization and give back while you travel. It can be an affordable humanitarian mission for the world and yourself. One will most likely find their path during such journeys into the unknown, that which is yourself.

Additionally, it would BEHOOVE YOU to take PHIL 03 CRITICAL THINKING AND WRITING. This should be a mandatory course for everyone. Do it, just do it!

SGT Daniel R. Vago

Christopher Vuong

Christopher Vuong

  • A.S.-T., Administration of Justice
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Marine Corps Reserve

Grad Message

Lan Truong is the best counselor I have ever had. She truly cares and I thank her for everything she has done to get me to where I am at SJSU today.

Thank you to De Anza for being such a great organization that cares about their military students. I have nothing but great things to say about this school and I wish everyone the best in their futures.

Cassius Williamson

Cassius Williamson

  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Navy

Grad Message

Congratulations, everyone!

Harry Yocum

Harry Yocum

  • A.S.-T., Business Administration
  • Transferring to San José State University
  • U.S. Air Force

Grad Message

First and foremost, I would like to thank my wife for encouraging me to go back to school. If it was not for her patience, love and support, I would never have been able to achieve this lifelong goal.

To future veteran graduates, seek out your fellow veteran students because their experience, advice and encouragement will prove to be invaluable.

Kie Young

Kie Young

  • A.S., Registered Nurse
  • U.S. Army

Grad Message

Before my military service, my educational journey began at De Anza College. Now, after two enlistments, I find myself back at De Anza, having finally achieved my dream of becoming a Registered Nurse.

I owe immense gratitude to the De Anza Veteran Services team, especially counselor Lan Truong, whose invaluable assistance in navigating schedules and plans made the journey smoother. It wasn't an easy road, but Lan's support made it a breeze!

Veteran Services staff: Bertha Sanchez, Lan Truong, Sarah Corrao

Best Wishes!

From the Veteran Services team (from left): Bertha Sanchez, Veterans Resource Specialist; Lan Truong, Veterans Resource Counselor; Sarah Corrao, Veterans Resource Specialist

A Message From the Veterans Resource Center

We have been so honored to be a part of your educational journey at De Anza College. Thank you for your service, and congratulations on your academic achievements!

  • Nazy Galoyan, Dean of Enrollment Services
  • Lan Truong, Veterans Resource Counselor
  • Sarah Corrao, Veterans Resource Specialist
  • Bertha Sanchez, Veterans Resource Specialist

Thank You, Veterans
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