
REPETITION = enrolling in the same course due to a substandard grade or a withdrawal.

REPEATABILITY = enrolling in the same course with a passing grade.

As of fall 2013, all courses will have their repeatability removed. Education Code, Title V, Section 55041 states that the only courses that may be designated as repeatable is if it:

  1. Is necessary to meet major requirements of CSU or UC for completion of a bachelor's degree. Supporting documentation to verify the necessity must be submitted.
  2. Is intercollegiate athletics.
  3. Is intercollegiate academic or vocational competition.

A course already passed may be repeated due to the following circumstances:

  1. Extenuating circumstances
  2. Legally mandated training
  3. Significant change in industry standard - necessary for employment
  4. Students with disabilities for a special class
  5. Significant lapse of time of no less than 36 months. Exceptions to the 36 months will be because of:
    • Established a recency prerequisite for another course
    • Other higher education education requirement

Physical Education and Creative Arts courses which are defined as active participatory courses will be limited to six (6) times within a family of courses. Course Related in Content (Families) = courses with similar primary educational activities in which skill levels or variations are separated into distinct courses with different student learning outcomes for each level or variation. Families will be defined district wide. Each course in a family will not be repeatable. A student will only be able to take six courses within a family district wide.

Curriculum Committee on November 27, 2012 approved a memo of understanding removing all courses with repeatability as of the 2013-14 catalog. The memo was signed by every division dean acknowledging that they were aware and in full compliance with the State's new rule to remove repeatability from all courses. The list of courses was posted on the curriculum's website for review for several months.

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