Special Projects

A special projects course is a lab course. Special projects courses are NOT loaded. A contract with the student, instructor and division dean is required.

Special Projects courses must have the following minimum items in the outline:

Topic I - Requisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and division dean.

Topic V.A - Expanded Description: May be expanded further with the possibly the following:

  • Topic V.A - Complete project objectives/requirements as determined in 3, 4 and 5 of the Special Projects Contract.
  • Topic V.A.1 - Research literature in ...
  • Topic V.A.2 - Focus on at least ...
  • Topic V.A.3 - Produce ...

 Topic VI - Assigments

  • Topic VI.A - To be determined in consultation with instructor. See 3 and 4 of Special Projects Contract.
  • Topic VI.B - Examples such as, etc... (possible list of assignments).

Topic VII - Methods of Instruction: Must list some method of instruction, CANNOT be "None".

Topic VIII - Methods of Evaluating Objectives: Must have criteria and a final exam/project/report/paper, (i.e. Evaluation and inspection of laboratory project and/or examination results relating to objectives, methods and procedures of Special Projects Contract.

Also Content Review Matrix G will be required with the revision or new outline. A sample of Matrix G for the Special Projects Course MATH 77 is here.

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