Lab 1 Kirsch Center 120 - Introduction to lab
April 13th
Lab 1 Activities - California Atlas
Lab 2 Kirsch Center 120 - Plant Communities
April 20th
Lab 2 Activity- define the terms below in your notebook before next lab
Define: niche, community, dominant species habitat, limiting factors, endemic, rain shadow effect,orientation, biotic and abiotic elements, and adaptation, wildlife corridors
Why are wildlife corridors important and what would result if they were eliminated?
Lab 2 Lecture - Plant Communities
Lab 3 Field Trip - Henry Cowell State Park - Natural History of SC Mt.
April 27th
Lab 3 assignments:
- read and summarize the articles below
- Search for the plants on the Henry Cowell Plant list in the Plant and Animal list website below
write a description and draw the leaf shape of each
Article: Sandhill Preserve Expands
Lab 4 Field Trip: McClellan Ranch Park - Habitat Restoration
May 4th
Lab 4 assignments: to be included in your lab notebooks
- define - resource partitioning, watershed, invasive species and biomagnification
- read the article below and write a summary of the restoration that is being conducted in this park
- go on the create an account.
- take photos of at least 3 plants and 2 animals
- add it to your observations
- Identify and find any information you can about the species and write it in your notes.
Article: Steven's Creek Corridor
Lab 5 Field Trip: Ulistac Natural Preserve - Native American Land UseMay 11th
DirectionsLab 5 assignments:
- Do a google search on the Muwekma indigenous tribe which inhabited the Ulistac area.
summarize their current status and why they are struggling to attain their culture.
- Go onto inaturalist website and look up plants that exist in the Ulistac area. Add any that are not on our class list so far.
- Go onto the Ulistac Natural Area website at
read about the area
- read the two short articles below and write a summary of the information
Article: Ulistac- A Hidden Gem
Lab 6 Field Trip : McClellan Ranch Park -Water Quality May 18th
Lab 6 assignment:
Define in your notes - eutrophication, point source and nonpoint source pollution (what is the difference) , nutrient cycling, dissolved oxygen and turbidity
- Read article on water quality below and summarize in your notes
- Read article on Steelhead trout status and their natural history in the Bay Area and summarize the information
(click on their natural history link to the right )
- review species list and trees we noted in lab 4
- review the characteristics of the riparian community in your plant community concept map we filled out in the ESA
Article: New Maps Tell Story of Water Quality
Article: Central Coast Steelhead Trout
Lab 7 Field Trip : Kirsch Center KC120 - Soil health and Carbon Sequestration May 25th
Meet at 10:30 am
Lab 7 assignments:
- Define in your notes: symbiotic relationship, green house gases, carbon sequestration, atmosphere, stratosphere, anaerobic microorganisms,
- Read and summarize the articles below
Article: The Concept of Geologic Carbon Sequestration
Article: Healthy Soil: Good for the Farmer, Good for the Planet
Lab 7 powerpoint
Final Presentation subjects
Lab 8 Field Trip: Alviso National Wildlife Refuge- Saltwater Marsh June 1st
Directions Meet at 11:00 am in the visitor center parking lot
Final Presentation subjects are due
Lab 8 assignments:
- define: estuary, wetland, salt pond, brackish water and slough
- Article: Coastal Wetlands, Environmental Protection Agency
- What are the common characteristics of all Salt Water Marsh Ecosystems?
- List the reasons why Salt Water Marsh Ecosystems are important.
- At what rate and why are we losing our Salt Water Marshes?
- What can we all do to protect these important ecosystems?
Lab 9 Field Trip: Coyote Valley- Wildlife Corridors and quarter wrap up June 8th
We will be meeting at the Anderson Lake Visitor Center on Malaguera Ave. at 11:00 am on June 8th for lab 9. Do Not Go to the Anderson Lake County Park!!!
The directions and a google map link are below
Lab 9 assignments:
Define: genetic diversity, wildlife corridor, culvert, habitat fragmentation, spoor
- print and bring:
- Read and summarize the articles below:
Article: Urban Wildlife Research Project
- Article; Is Wildlife Tracking a Lost Ar
Lab Assignment Summary - This is a list of the assignment by lab that should be in your notebooks when you hand them in during lab #10
This is worth 100 points of your grade.
Lab 10 Kirsch Center- KC 120 lab : work on presentations June 15th
Shortened in lieu of Henry Cowell Field trip out at 12:00
Hand in lab notebooks
sign up for presentation time