General Meeting Information
Date: November 26,
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Zoom (see below for information)
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:00 PM Welcome and Introductions I/D All 2:05 PM Approval of Agenda and Notes I/D/A Armstrong 2:10 PM Enrollment and Budget Information Presentation I/D Hearn 2:40 PM Leadership Appointment Approvals
Resource Allocation and Program Planning (RAPP)
- Jayme Brown
- Adriana Garcia
I/D/A All 2:41 PM Leadership Requests
Leadership Reports
2:50 PM General Updates and Announcements
2:55 PM Future Items
- Learning Communities Presentation
- Equity Rubric - Adriana Garcia
2:56 PM Affirmations
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Notes Approval
The De Anza Classified Senate met on zoom on Tuesday, November 26 at 2 PM. President, Dennis Shannakian called the meeting to order at 2:08 PM.
The agenda for the current meeting and notes taken at the previous meeting on 10/29 were posted for review.
Presentation on the new Student Centered Funding Formula
Lydia Hearn, Interim Vice President of Instruction, gave a thirty-minute presentation on the new Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF), and how it affects Enrollment, budgeting and Strategic Planning.
She focused on Fund 14, the General fund, as some programs are funded differently – through grants and categorical funding. RAPP, academic senate and several other groups have also heard this presentation.
She explained the previous enrollment-focused funding model, defining terms like Productivity, FTEF and Breaking Even. The New Funding Model Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) allocates additional money that takes into consideration equity and student success. 70% of the new funding is like the previous model, with base allocation linked to FTES enrollment. However, students under certain categories, like special admit and incarcerated, receive additional base funding. In the 20% Equity portion, there was supplemental allocation funding for Pell Grant recipients, AB540 students, and California Promise Grant Recipients. In the 10% Success section, there was Student Success allocation for students achieving Associate Degrees for Transfer, stand-alone Associate Degrees, Baccalaureate degrees, Credit Certificates, Transfer Level Math and English and several other subjects. De Anza has the most student completion of transfer level math and English within students’ first academic year
The current budget challenge for De Anza stems from declining enrollment since 2017-18. The college has been Hold Harmless and funded at the 2017-18 level that is in effect through 2024-25. The college will need to either ramp down to a lower base line or to grow back to its previous level. It is faced with the difficult decision, to shrink or restore.
The college has proposed several scenarios. There are other factors for consideration like the Fifty Percent Law and the Full Time Faculty Obligation (aka “75/25 rule” or “FON”)
Details of all this are included in the linked slides below. Lydia also answered a variety of audience questions.
CS Business Items
Dennis announced RAPP still has a vacant seat for a classified representative to fill. Debee motioned and Maritza seconded approving Jayme Brown for the position, as Adriana who originally expressed interest, yielded. Jayme Brown was appointed.
Dennis announced campus facilities, campus center and district budget, three advisory committees are also still seeking a classified representative.
Lisa Ly also said the college budget advisory committee has an upcoming RFP task force for dining service that also needs classified representation. She explained for several years, dining services has not ben profitable but was able to keep afloat during covid with HEERF funding. The current funding model will require that it be outsourced.
Dennis was originally on this task force before it disbanded and will likely continue in this role.
Dennis announced classified senate will return to meeting twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 2 PM. Additional meetings will occur only when necessary.
Adriana requested to be on the next meeting’s agenda and Dennis agreed.
Lisa explained that the current mission and vision statements for De Anza will soon be reviewed. The college planning committee will be soliciting input soon.
Maritza announced she will become the interim director for the office of college life, a faculty position. The senate will need to find her replacement for lead senator with equity focus.
Adriana announced upcoming events for native American history month.
The meeting closed with affirmations, adjourning at 3:09 PM
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 894 2682 9140
- Passcode: 804780
- Meeting URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting