Meetings and Updates
Student Equity and Achievement
Starting in 2020, De Anza College has consolidated its Basic Skills Initiative (BSI), Student Equity (SE) program and Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) under the Student Equity and Achievement (SEA) program. SEA was established under state Education Code Section 78222 to support Guided Pathways and help eliminate achievement gaps. Please visit the Planning for Equity website for more information about the SEA program at De Anza College.(Scroll down for a list of committee members)
Equity/SSSP Updates
Committee Membership
- Rob Mieso, Interim Vice President, Student Services
- Lorrie Ranck, Associate Vice President, Instruction
- Karen Chow, President, Academic Senate
Faculty Representatives
- Ricardo Delgado, Mathematics
- Karen Chow, English
Classified Representatives
- Melissa Aguilar, Student Success Center
- Sushini Chand, Counseling
Student Reprepresentatives
- Alicia Cortez, Dean, Equity and Engagement
- Tamica Ward, Dean, Enrollment Services
IPBT Representative
SSPBT Representative
- Stacey Shears, Dean, Disability Support Programs and Services
FCOPBT Representative
Program Coordinators
- Erika Flores. SSSP
- Tony Santa Ana, Student Equity
- Deepa Yuvaraj, BSI